Ryan A Davis PT

Date: 04/19/2024 11:30 AM

Gender: Female
Primary Specialty: Physical Therapist (Board Certified)

Covey Physical Therapy
2263 Route 2
Hermon, ME 04401
Website: https://coveypt.com/
Primary Phone: (207) 848-9009
Fax: (207) 404-2562
Practicing as: Specialist
Plan: In Network

UBE Physical Therapy and Performance LLC
14 Mariaville Rd
Ellsworth, ME 04605
Website: https://www.ube-more.com/
Primary Phone: (207) 992-4000
Fax: (207) 558-3285
Practicing as: Specialist
Plan: In Network

UBE Physical Therapy and Performance LLC
130 Perry Rd
Bangor,, ME 04401
Website: https://www.ube-more.com/
Primary Phone: (207) 992-4000
Fax: (207) 558-3285
Practicing as: Specialist
Plan: In Network

UBE Physical Therapy and Performance LLC
8 Road Not Taken
Trenton, ME 04605
Website: https://www.ube-more.com/
Practicing as: Specialist
Plan: In Network